Occupy Kindergarten

Occupy Kindergarten

Scholastic Books: Class Code 121UF

Sunday, 2 May 2010

May 3-7

Only 3 weeks left, and May will be full of fun things for our class!
Don’t forget Tuesday is Early Release, and there is another one on the 12th. The last day of School is the 21st and the students will be going home at 10:00.
Friday the Kindergarten will have their program.

This week we will be reading a story about 3 sisters and the part they play in their family.
Our spelling words will be:
Hands & stores

Congratulations to all of you who completed the Exercise Challenge. Our class logged some serious exercise hours! Good Job everyone!!!!!

I will really miss your children next year. This has been a great class!

Have a great week!

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