Occupy Kindergarten

Occupy Kindergarten

Scholastic Books: Class Code 121UF

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Sept 14-18

Dear Parents,
We had a great week last week learning about our Flag and its importance. We also got to know a little bit about our soldier that we have adopted. He is serving in Iraq right now and has about 4 months until he gets to come home. He is a really nice guy and would love anything we send him including toiletries and candy or non-perishable food items. (He told me that when they get packages they all share with each other). I have a basket set up in our room for any donations you would like to make. I will be sending him a package about once a month so feel free to contribute any time! We will also be writing to him once a week and I think anyone is welcome to write him a note.
This week we will be reading a story called "One Red Rooster". It is a counting book and I think your kids will really like it. I will be sending these books home again with them on Wednesday, so please make sure they get sent back on Thursday. Our spelling words consequently will be:
Next week spelling words will be six-ten. Homework again will be reading and studying spelling words.
We look forward to hearing from Ganon this week as our Special Person. Thanks to Chansler for sharing last week. We learned a lot about him and his family.
Next week will be our Parent Teacher Conferences so look for a note coming home letting you know when yours has been scheduled. If you can't make your scheduled time just let me know and I will be happy to change it.
Thanks again for all your help. I love it when you just drop by to help. It really makes a huge difference!
Mrs. Hamblin

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